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OpenCV_Server Documentation

This documentation provides detailed information about the OpenCV_Server project, a robust solution for computer vision applications leveraging OpenCV. For comprehensive information on MkDocs, visit

Project Layout

Here's a brief overview of the project's structure:

├─ docs/ # The documentation homepage.
├─ src/ # Source files for the project.
├─ analysis/ # Jupiter notebooks for our case studies 
├─ scripts/ # Other useful independent scripts
├─ data/ 
|  ├─ results/ # Images from successful unit test, and graphs from case studies 
|  └─ test_data/  # The folder with datasets for the case studies
├─ data/
├─ tests/ # Test scripts and test cases.
├─ mkdocs.yml # The configuration file for MkDocs.
├─ requirements.txt # Project dependencies.
└─ ... # And more!